Nanuet Community Ambulance

Incidents 2022-2024
Jan 242 282 349
Feb 225 251 261
Mar 254 285 311
Apr 231 266 305
May 298 328 335
Jun 266 344 345
Jul 268 315 323
Aug 266 338 369
Sep 268 290
Oct 298 325
Nov 296 331
Dec 310 355
Total 3222 3710 2598

Past Incidents
2023 3710
2022 3222
2021 2812
2020 2719
2019 2990
2018 2820
2017 2794
2016 2791
2015 2702
2014 2662
2013 2529
2012 2597
2011 2505
2010 2167
2009 2394

Web Counters
Website Visitors
October 4, 2010
Visitors Today
Sep 20, 2024


Winter - Three gentlemen, who attended a New York State defense training program on basic defense met over coffee and discussed the need for a volunteer ambulance corps. in Nanuet. Soon after, organizational meetings started being held.

June 26th - The first article appeared in The Journal News concerning the Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. Residents could view the new ambulance that the corps. wished to purchase in front of the Nanuet National Bank. Donations toward the purchase would be "cheerfully" accepted. By this time, a ladies auxilliary and trained drivers were a part of the organization.

July 13th - The Journal News reported that 8 officers were named to the Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. They are looking forward to "rolling in 6 weeks."

July 28th - The Community of Nanuet was informed once again that an ambulance service would be started in the near future. Donations could be sent to the Secretary of the Auxilliary, Mrs. J. V. Keyrouse. New York State granted a charter to the Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps, and fund drive/training sessions continued.

September 4th - New York State issued a Certificate of Incorporation tot he Corps through their attorney, Samuel L. Gunn.

September 21st - The community of Nanuet was strongly backing fundraising activities, despite hard years of war. Stretchers, for example were purchased by Boy Scout Troop 33.

September 26th - Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. is officially in service, utilizing a 1935 model Lincoln-Cunningham V-12.

September 27th - Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. has it's first call.

October 1st - Newly formed Drivers Organization is formed.


April - Discussions are underway for a proposed thruway starting in Suffern. The ambulance corps. of Nanuet and Nyack met to set up territorial boundaries. Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. presented a 5-month review, reporting that we answered 53 calls, including a record 3 on April 25th. There is an average of 10 calls a month, with 15 being answered in February.

October - Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps fund drive raised over $1300. A short corps history is reported.

1944 - Request for a resuscitator is made


October 10th - Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. reports 27 calls in the New City area.

October 23rd - Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. displays the new ambulance to the community, which was ordered 7 years prior.

1947 -

Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. carries a resuscitator for the first time.

July 26th - Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. discloses plans for a Corps. building on Middletown Road

1948 -

By-Law of unit are finally ratified; Dance with Charles Trojan, the "Famous Interstate Cowboy Square Dance Caller" Fundraiser takes place. Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. sees a rise in traffic accidents, as their are more vehicles in use. This includes a 4-car accident at Rte. 59, near Dike's Crossing on September 9th.

1949 -

Drivers request first "Bed-to-Bed Breathing Appliance" (portable O2)

1951 -

Association granted $16 to drivers for coveralls

September 28th - The upstairs of the ambulance building remains incomplete, but still has housed the Corps. for several months. A Certificate of Occupancy will be awarded within weeks and space will be available for the public on a maintenance-cost basis.

1956 -

Request to borrow stethoscopes from local doctors was made

June - Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. announces the kick-off of their annual fund drive. There is a unification of the drivers & ambulance associations.

1957 -

February - Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. reports through The Journal News that 46 calls were answered in 1956, 6,821 miles were travelled, 464 man-hours spent on calls. The average per call is 20 miles & one man-hour. 12 calls were to New York City, one to Brooklyn, one to Middletown, one to Hackensack, one to White Plains, one to West Point, and four were fire standbys. The Corps. also expressed appreciation to Clarkstown Police for prompt dispatch.

Remainder of year - The Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. votes to equip and operate a New City division from a garage, free of cost, until a permament place is found. 40% of 44 calls in October were in the New City area. A 1947 Buick ambulance was recommissioned & equipped, including a 2-way police radio.

1961 -

The Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. honors 4 fund drive leaders. The New City division splits, & becomes a corps. of it's own. A request was made for a green-light law, which was refused.

1966 -

Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. sponsors it's first "Miss Nanuet Ambulance Corps." 8 girls were vying for the mini-Miss America Pageant. It was held at the Nanuet Senior HS

1967 -

25th anniversary of the Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps., and 2nd anniversary of the "Miss Nanuet Ambulance Corps." - this year 11 vied for the title.

1972 -

30th anniversary of the Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps., and the year of the first female rider (Becky Quinn).

1978 -

Nanuet Community Ambulance switched from telephone dispatch to portable pagers.

1979 -

Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. forms a youth corps.

1981 -

Ocotober - Nanuet's response area is rocked by the Brinks Robbery, which occurred outside the Nanuet National Bank near the Nanuet Mall.

1984 -

Nanuet Community Ambulance had it's first female captain, Amy Vogel.

1986 -

Nanuet Community Ambulance continues to work on community relations, & training members. A paramedic program is initiated in the area

1991 -

1500 calls were answered, a large increase from 68 the first year of operations. This included, "by courtesy of the Nanuet Fire Engine Company #1, we had the use of an oxygen inhalator on five calls," (Captain's report, from 1st year in service).

1992 -

April 7th - Nanuet Community Ambulance responds to serious car accident on the NYS Thruway, near the Garden State Parkway interchange in Nanuet. The Spring Valley Fire Department utilized the Hurst Tool (the "Jaws of Life"), to extricate the patient. The Nanuet Community Ambulance assisted, along with the New York State Troopers, and brought the patient to an Empress Ambulance Service Helicopter waiting on the Thruway. The patient was then transferred to Westchester County Medical Center in Valhalla.

Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. is ready to serve it's 50th year.

1994 – An updated version of the Constitution of Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. was voted & adopted

2004 – In May, The Journal News publishes an article stating that the Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. has outgrown it’s home at 202 South Main Street.  The official search for new property is underway

2008 – The Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. progresses to internet scheduling.  This made being the Lieutenant of Schedule less painful, as updates were done with a click of a button, and no longer had to make multiple trips to the building, and reprinting copies as changes were made.  Each member was given an access name and password, & any updates are available immediately to all members.


October – The Nanuet Community Ambulance officially moves it’s headquarters to 255 South Middletown Road.  After being accustomed to cramped quarters, members now had a comfortable, state of the art place to train, hold meetings, and relax between call response.

December – For years, EMTs were able to administer patients’ own Epi-pens to alleviate a potentially fatal allergic reaction.  Recently, the New York State Department of Health ruled to allow ambulance services to carry their own Epi-pens, after explicit approval to such agency.  After training every EMT in the Corps., filing the paperwork with New York State, and  finally receiving approval to carry Epi-pens and Epi-pen Jrs., crewmembers administered a Corps. Epi-Pen to save a life – after only month after receiving such approval.

2011 – In May, Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. responds to a record 241 calls.  Ironically, the majority of these calls happened during National EMS Week.

2012 - Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. is celebrating their 70th Year of Service!

2015Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps filed with the New York State Department of Health for the ability to carry and administer Intranasal Narcan, which has become a very useful tool in our crew's assets. 

Information contained in this section 1942-1992, was provided by the Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps. 50th Anniversary booklet.  Information for that publication was provided by Walter Fiedler, Amy (Vogel) Marchese, Jason Lukasiewicz.  They received their information from the Rockland Journal News, Monthly Meeting Minutes, Officer & Business reports, and from the Ambulance Corps. records.

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Firehouse Solutions

Nanuet Emergency Medical Services
255 So Middletown Rd
Nanuet, NY 10954

Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 845-623-6387
Copyright © 2024 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)