May, Busiest in Recent Record for Call Volume
By Captain Anthony Savarese
June 9, 2011

During the month of May, the Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps responded to a record setting 241 calls for service. This figure is a significant increase from the same period last year which saw 178 calls for service. The previous record for highest monthly call volume was set in July 2010 with 238 calls. Year to date the Corps has responded to 1103 calls. In 2010 we responded to 2167 calls.

In recent years, the Corps has experienced an ever increasing call volume attributable to an exploding population in our response district, an increasing aging population with chronic and acute medical problems requiring frequent care, and bustling commerical corridor which attracts a transient population of shoppers, merchants,etc which during business hours, increases the size of our community vastly. Our busiest time periods are on weekdays during the daytime . This month was no different seeing calls in our response district increase during the already busy daytime hours, along with the evening and weekends.

In order to meet the demands of our community, the Nanuet Community Ambulance Corps staffs two Basic Life Support ambulances with scheduled crews during the weekday daytime hours. Our regular daytime unit is staffed seven days a week from 7 AM to 7 PM. After examing our call demand distribution four years ago, it was decided that a second unit would be turned out as a peak deployment unit from the hours of 8 AM until 4 PM Monday thru Friday. The deployment hours of this unit are reevaluated and adjusted as necessary. During the evening, overnight, and weekend periods we staff one ambulance around the clock.

We currently have a fleet of four New York State Certified ambulances. Crews for unstaffed ambulances are obtained by volunteer members answering "all calls" sent over pagers, often leaving their families or places of employment to respond to emergencies. Our ability to staff additional ambulances, lowers our reliance upon our neighboring EMS agencies for mutual aid response. The benefits of this arrangement were undoubtedly obvious this month.

Our members met the challenges of this month, by redoubling their efforts. Our volunteer members worked "overtime," often staffing second ambulances during off peak hours, and when called upon, third and fourth ambulances. Most notable, was our ability to staff third and fourth crews when demand dictated, during the busy daytime hours when volunteers are often at work or in school. This is an accomplishment that all members should be proud of.

As the commanding officer of this Corps I would like to commend the service and dedication of all our members not only this past month, in which we celebrated EMS Week (ironically the busiest week in the month), but for throughout the year. Next time you come across a Nanuet EMS member in your travels, be sure to thank them for their hardwork and dedication...after all, your life may depend on it.